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Photomonth by Edgar Bąk

Photomonth by Edgar Bąk

Marianne Piano
January 20, 2016

Our art feature today is for the biggest photo festival in Poland. Photomonth counts the world’s most prestigious photography events. In Poland it is one of the largest ongoing cultural events – it is one of few opportunities to have a look at photography as a contemporary art, to see its wealth of contexts and themes, which often undermine the stereotypical image of a given country or society. Read on and enjoy!

We are proud of having worked for the festival between 2008 and 2013. We co-designed the brand’s easily recognizable visual elements.

- Edgar Bąk




The project was for the biggest photo festival in Poland, based in Krakow. It took me almost 6-7 months before opening of the first exhibition, every year to make this project.

- Edgar Bąk




The idea for my first design, in 2008 came from the simplification of the photo-making process. Photographer sees the world through a small hole, a viewfinder. That is all he got and the whole world is closed in just a small part of our field of view. Framing is essential part of making a photo. Also I like the connection to pinhole camera, the first camera known to man.

- Edgar Bąk




I used everything I got really, I was preparing photos, working on vector files and books.

- Edgar Bąk


Edgar Bąk

Edgar Bąk

My advice is, if you don’t like an idea that you are showing to the client, just don’t do it. If he choose it, it will be in your portfolio forever.

- Edgar Bąk


Edgar Bąk works in the field of visual communications, concentrating mainly on visual identifications and magazine layouts. He also works on smaller projects, illustrations, posters and CD art. Edgar Bąk, together with Charlotte West, prepared the “Projekt: The Polish Journal of Visual Art and Design” for the publication Unit Editions. He has received many awards in Poland and the magazine WAW, where he’s the art director, has been recognized abroad, having received the “Merit Award” from the Society of Publishing Designers in New York. His work can be seen in Los Logos (Gestalten), Green Graphic (Index Book), IdN and Varoom Magazine. His current project is doing signing system for New Theatre in Warsaw, a TV intro for a show about modern art in public television and a poster for a movie about future of mankind.

See more of his amazing artworks in Behance or his website.

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