2MeetYa by Mario Navarro
Mario Navarro's project came up in a local Hackathon in which teams developed different apps, and so, he was in one of them. 2MeetYa app was supposed to allow people to establish communication with other people, only if they shared the same physical space… (it’s like a second chance to meet people you couldn’t meet in person).
I didn’t really get too much into the way the code was supposed to be developed. However, due to time constraints, it couldn’t be fully developed. However I was in charge of the “design-section” or so they call it, and I managed to finish the UI for it, and presented it as a prototype.
-Mario Navarro
Well the design was really basic, I just combined the concept of location and communication, hence the “location pin” with the conversation bubble inside. And the color was picked just to make it appealing, not to-much-passionate (red) and a little happy (yellow), resulting in orange, (I just used pretty basic color concepts XD). The inspiration came from all the apps I use day by day, you know, messaging apps, and location apps. Everything else was just concepts and a lot (A LOT!) of sketching.
-Mario Navarro
My style… well I would really like to describe it as “simple and clean”. But I try to be open for any kind of style that appeals to me, not only in design, but also in illustration, sketching, UI, UX, branding, etc. I think it’s important to keep an open mind about that, (and, oh boy, sometimes it’s not that easy XD) and go with what you think and feel it’s the right path. My inspiration, my god, where do I start!? Anyone or anything that’s appealing to the eye, and works clearly and effectively. I find really talented people in Behance, of course throughout any website that showcase talent.
-Mario Navarro
An advice… well besides the traditional, “keep sketching”, “don’t be afraid to try new things”, “keep up with times” and all that jazz. I would say to those aspiring to become artists, designers, illustrators, and to those who already are (and maybe are having a rough time) that in the little time (or much time, depending the point of view) that I’ve been in graphic design, I’m completely sure about two things: "Success does come with work and effort”, and the most important one: “Even though you stumble and fall, if you do what you love, you are divinely ‘condemned' to succeed”.
-Mario Navarro
About Mario Navarro
Mario Navarro is 24-year-old Mexican born and still living in Baja California, he concluded his college-studies in 2013, "I’m a “Digital Design Engineer” (that’s the actual translation for the career I chose, you know, from spanish XD)". And now he's working for a company that organized the Hackathon in which he developed this design. See more of his works on Behance.
Really nice UI design concept!
I think it fits the app well. Good job!