Air Purifier for New Families

Products air purifier able to vent the room as well as minimizing the presence of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other microorganisms, but there are several products, maintenance services and relationship difficulties between products with users. At the end of the study, Produced air purifier design with the concept of providing feedback related to product performance, ease of maintenance services and connectivity between users against similar products so that the product is expected to able to communicate to the user via the information provided.
The idea comes from the fact. Urban families began consciously to live a healthy life because of deteriorating air quality due to the number of population, The growth of motor vehicle and industrial quantity. Air pollution also has the potential to occur in the third chamber is positioned even environmental factors that affect human health with the quality of indoor air 2-5 times worse than outdoors.
The style is chosen based on polling in google docs. So, people can choose what theirs like. Some parts of the existing product used to prototype. White became the main color of the air purifier to represent cleanness, clarity, refreshing air quality.
The beginning design start from sketching in the paper by pencils and after that coloring digital used Adobe Photoshop approach to design reality while the software used Solidworks to make 3D design and Photoview 360 to rendering photo and video use and also The software to editing video use Adobe Premier.
I learned a lot from this project. I know about Indoor air quality, the parameter of air quality, what is the cause of dirty air, learning electronic and mechanic parts that must be inside of the product and make sure the prototype working when presentation.
The readers get more information about air purifier and the importance of clean air. and Please give me the advice to develop this project.
Great design!