Alpine Racing Concept | Tony Chen

I wanted to create a vision into the future for the brand Alpine that is not too extreme or abstract. I focused on simplicity in form, iconic in graphics and most of all a new driving experience. I have eliminated the typical front glass windshield with a augmented reality, semi-transparent screen experienced from within. This simple change allows the race car driver to have the ultimate race experience combined with a guided visual performance manager or a coach within his range of sight at all times. This vision enables the future of racing to be even more competitive, athletic and augmented than ever before.
The idea came, while I was thinking about how augmented reality will affect pedestrian life. Elaborating from that idea I questioned myself, what about an athletic, competitive life. What would be better to push the human limits and experience with the combination of augmented reality and race car driving.
The style I wanted the maintain sense of simplicity and timelessness but with a flare of classic cars we all appreciate. The color and materials are subtle. The graphic breakups for example the glass, the diamond shaped nose leading into the headlights give it enough character without being overly stylized.
I started with Adobe Photoshop to sketch, render and come up with a concept. Then I used Autodesk Alias Automotive to create that 2D sketch into 3D. The 2D to 3D process takes a heavy understanding of proportions and surfacing, you have to have a solid plan going forward. Then finally Visualizing that 3D model with Autodesk VRED. Using HDRs and backdrops to bring some realism to the images you see.
People were mostly positive about the design so far. But the ones that are critical I'm sure will come because at the end of the day, beauty is in the eye of the beholder ? With every project I finish, I learn so much through the process itself. For sure the next time I try something like this again would have an even much better outcome. As a designer you are never really 100% happy with what you do. So you save that energy for the next upcoming projects.