Animals of Africa by Rade Tepavcevic
Rade Tepavcevic project are mostly series of works on the subject that was interesting to him in some point in time. The forest animals illustrations came after he watched some documentary on TV with the similar theme.
Dachshund came after I played with my dog, I wanted to recreate that moments on the paper. All of my works are firstly done with a paper and pencil, afterwards I try to complete it in Photoshop. Photoshop allows me to try all painting techniques, I can simulate all effects that I need for realization. I would recommend everyone to work or try to work on Photoshop, because it provides many options.
-Rade Tepavcevic
I have always wanted to illustrate books for children. I went in a Design School in Novi Sad, where I found out about some illustrators, I started following their work and to work a little bit by myself. I find inspiration in everyday life, everywhere and whenever. The main theme of my works are animals, they have always been a big part of my life. Often, a little play with my dog is enough for me to make new sketches and afterwards new works. The biggest task is to capture animal's personality, they are like humans, with different characters, I find my inspiration in that too.
-Rade Tepavcevic
I started to do illustrations more seriously in High school, since then it became important part of my life. I went through different phases, but I think that, for now, I found a style that suits me. How will it further change, I don't know, but that is what makes this job interesting. My style is simplified, I strive toward stylization. I'm attracted to the materialization. Illustrators who impressed me the most are Brad Holland & Michael Sowa.
-Rade Tepavcevic
I am 22, so I could use some advice too, but I think that if we are interested in something, we should work on that. Try to discover new things, grab some notes from more experienced artist and look up to them and the way they solved some problems we are now faced with.
-Rade Tepavcevic
About Rade Tepavcevic
Rade Tepavčević is a 22-year-old artist from Vrbas, small town is Serbia. He studied painting at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad. He was always interested in painting, but in the meantime he became interested in doing illustrations for kids. See more of his works on Behance.
The animals reminds me of ancient cave paintings. Amazing!