Project By : Ravi Desai :
Project Architect : 9th Street
Landscape Architect : Tierra Design (S) Pte Ltd.
Anutham - Apartment Located @ Ahmedabad - India.
Anutham is the different type of Architecture & Landscape Design in Ahmedabad. Main focus of this project was to blend the boundaries between Architecture and Nature, which gives the luxurious experience of a lifetime.
Our client Provided an interview of “Franklin Po – TIERRA DESIGN (S) PTE LTD – SINGAPORE” who explain the complete project. Our Goal was to create a conceptual documentary presentation for viewer with complete understanding of project and help them to visualise a lifestyle which client is trying to build for them.
Tierra provided detail Plan, Material idea, and References for Landscape & Vegetation. Most of the models are similar to our library and some of we redesign the models, plants and trees in GrowFX for animation purpose.
Here is link of small Presentation we have created for this project :
We are using Autodesk 3ds Max and Corona Render for our visualisation projects. We used Google SketchUp for Architecture modelling, then we go for production and composition with 3ds Max and Corona for Rendering. Grow FX for Plant and Vegitation.
It took us around One and Half month to complete this project from Modelling to Final Composite and Editing. We have used Corona Sun&Sky for some Scenes, and Used HDRi Maps to create Time-lapes animation.
We always learn something new from each and every project with the different design and requirement of our Client & Architect. We have learn many things during this project. Modelling Plants & Trees to Creating wind Animation. and Simulate Curtains animation.
If you like our work and want to see more of our project please visit us @ if you want to know more about our workflow then please visit our blog.
Where is this project located in Ahmedabad? Please upload brochure and google location.
Please also tell if there is sample flat to visit.