Brand Identity For An Enrollment Training Company That Is Redefining Success In Sales. We began the rebranding process with Brand Discovery to unveil the key attributes and characteristics that lay within AuthenticEnrollment™’s foundational core values. This was done in order to establish a stronger, more accurate point of reference that would become essential as to how we would conceptually build the new brand identity.
We came up with the idea through market research and extensive client interviews. What we discovered is that AuthenticEnrollment™ is nothing like the brands in the world of sales and enrollment. Brands with complex mechanisms as a service, but no real magnetic force to draw their perfect buyers in. A world where first impressions have been worn out by second-rate identities that bear the same old colors to build the same old 'trust'.
We saw that:
AuthenticEnrollment™ is Credible.
AuthenticEnrollment™ is Trustworthy.
AuthenticEnrollment™ is the Superior Way to Serve.
The design direction was chosen in line with this market observation.
From research and client interviews, we formulated and conceptualized the brand strategy to meet the needs of a potential market leader. We then attempted to visually communicate the various layers and engagements in the process of client enrollment through the use of Illustrator as our primary design tool.
The client loved it and has since implemented the identity into their online community. There will always be various point of feedback, but the importance of providing a vessel that accurately represents the client's ambitions far outweighs any opinions of direction and solution. We learned once again that the client likes to be led by an expert when investing time and resources into their brand identity.