Axis Lamp 2.0

This project is an update of my first luminaire called AXIS
The concept is to have a versatile luminaire for ambient lighting or reading that can be easily stored, transported and used. The first luminaire, developed for the TOK & STOK competition, now features an aluminum frame and a more modern diffuser.
The idea is based on the helical form of DNA. I wanted to represent a product that could be presented as part of the house, which, because of his Essenssia, represented the personality of the user.
Unlike the former, the frosted aluminum metal housing gives this project more modernity and less need for care and cleaning.
Is a project that certainly makes the environment more cozy and modern.
The sketches and the manual renders were made with paper and photoshop, using the first luminaire as a parameter.
The 3D model were made in Autodesk Alias and Inventor.
The 3D render mesh were made with Blender 3D and the images rendered with Cycles and the movie rendered with Blender EEVEE.
Currently in the process of prototyping.
This is my first personal product design that will become a prototype. All previous design alternatives were for clients and companies and I was able to use this knowledge to overcome the problems of this project.
The biggest problems are being addressed with regard to invisible fittings and the intelligent lighting system
I hope you enjoy.^^