Bellbird House

The project is a big country house with large windows to contemplate nature, it is at the highest point of the land. Its name was chosen because of a common bird in the region, the White Bellbird (Procnias albus). (Parauapebas-PA Brazil)
I researched common materials used in the region, like concrete and glass, I think the contrast between concrete and white wall creates a beautiful postmodern architecture, and glass can penetrate outside natural light into the building and also create a beautiful view from inside.
I started using BIM software that is being used very recently for architectural projects, Autodesk Revit, where I could precisely create measurements and calculate the proportion I wanted the house to have. So I exported it to SketchUp, so I could use V-ray rendering, which has a much better result than Revit render. After editing the materials I put the images to render one by one, each with its own unique setting, after the images that took 3 days to render were great, and I only went to Photoshop to adjust the lighting.
People often think that architecture cannot be bold and there are only a few ways we can use it, but the concrete block that comes out of the house shows people something unusual and deconstructive. Glass walls show how oversized glass brings elegance to the building.
This is an illusory project designed to create an architectural portfolio. The intention is to create a country house using very common constructive materials in Brazil, such as exposed concrete.