Closing time was a spontaneous idea I had after walking through the city one evening and seeing a woman in a window cleaning up a display at the end of the day. There was something amazingly mundane but also beautiful about it all....
Samurai Jack is an American animated television series created by Genndy Tartakovsky for Cartoon Network. The series follows Jack, a time-displaced samurai warrior prince, in his singular quest to travel back in time and defeat the tyrannical demonic wizard Aku. The series is known for its cinematic...
Nottingham Forest is a football club in Nottinghamshire, England that currently plays in the Football League Championship. Let us see Daniel Nyari's artworks on creating the artists of their team. Have fun and enjoy!...
Delmer Rostecki has been providing the lower mainland with antique & furniture restoration, since 1975. I then created a small Branding and a Tumblr site for my fathers antique restoration service. - Ty Dale About Ty Dale From Canada, Tyler Dale is a graphic designer and illustrator based in Vancouv...
Mad? Happy? We are wired to have feelings and we all have different ways to show our emotions or feelings. There are people who are good with expressing their feelings through talking, some put it in words, and a few turn to arts to express their emotions. Artist, Constantinos Chaidalis from Greece ...