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Ethereal by Šime Bili
These photographs are one of a kind project of Šime Bili, a talented artist from Croatia. Let us take a look at how his imagination led him to having this kind of photography concept with a twist. May his old school effect to his photographs inspire you in your next project. Let us know what [&hell...
Circus by Denitsa Toshirova
Circus is a small personal project created by Denitsa Toshirova, a Bulgarian visual artist from Scotland. This project of hers is trying to explore the idea of the circle as a limit, a border, looking into what is within and what is outside. Let us take a look at her artwork and feel free to [&helli...
Play Patrik Singles by Chragi Frei
If you're looking for an inspiration of a fun and playful approach in music, then today's feature is just for you. These designs will go deep down in your heart and mind in order for you to truly understand the meaning behind it. Let us take a look and may these designs inspired you to […]...
Trash Heroes by Sebastian Magnani
First I photographed everyone who was interested in showing off one of their trash objects. Then I selected people with objects that were the most colorful or eye-catching. Of course, not everyone wanted to be photographed while throwing out their trash. But a lot of them were really open to it. The...
Harpa by Per Tore Molvær
Today's feature is about a building that will stunned you all throughout your day. This is the Harpa building which is located in Reykjavik and it is one of the astonishing buildings I've ever seen in my life. The designs are very classy and elegant. No wonder why Per Tore Molvær, a 30 year old [&h...
Fire and Ice by Dani Stites
Fire and Ice is a personal project of today's featured artist, Dani Sites. You can see in her photographs how imaginative her mind is. She tried to capture the beauty of warm and cold in the presence of the sunlight and the ice in her images. Let us take a look and be inspired with […]...
Wounded by Max Vatblé
Our featured photographs for today are inspired from conflict and riot. These conveys what violence can do and how it looks like with the photographer's twist of showing the violence with the use of some digital effects. Let us read on get some ideas on how to do this kind of photography. Enjoy!...
Bacardi Cocktails by Mateusz Karasinski
You can't have a good party without friends and cocktails. And good cocktails require the best of ingredients. That's why Mateusz Karasinski, our featured artist for today asked a couple of his friends to become one. Read on and enjoy!...
San City High Records Dj Photoshoot by Jan Masny
Who says DJs are only for music industry? They can be fun in other areas as well just like our featured artist for today who managed to take great photographs of DJs having fun in a photoshoot. Read on and be inspired with this fun concept. Enjoy!...