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XPLR by Nimisha Patil
Here's to people who love to travel and immerse themselves in unique experiences. Graphic Designer, Nimisha Patil created XPLR - an app that helps tourists become explorers. Different people have different approaches to travel based on money & time. So she wanted the average traveller to experi...
Roady - Traveler Dashboard by Max Dmytriv
An artist always wants to develop their skills. Designer Max Dmitryv take on this challenge and created Roady a Traveler Dashboard....
Toshr by Victor Cuenca
Ever wished to save a page or post from the internet that interest you or you want to read later? Traditionally we'll turn to Bookmark but with Toshr, a web-based application created graphic designer Victor Cuenca, you will be able to save any content from the web that you can easily access whenever...
Touristic Icon Design by Yoon Jae Kim
I think it's important to spend some time figuring out what you're interested in and what you really want to do. It's hard, and might take some time but, in the end it will be worth it. As for me, exploring and experience are the best way to learn. -Yoon Jae Kim...
The Human Emotions by Owi Sixseven
Emotions are our feelings. Literally. We feel them in our bodies as tingles, hot spots and muscular tension. According to the Theory of Emotion, it is often defined as a complex state of feeling that results in physical and psychological changes that influence thought and behavior. How fascinating i...
Get Places: Driving Companion by Tyler Gough
Commuting has become an essential part of our lives and living in the smartphone age, driving apps make our life easier.  Tyler Gough, a Product Designer gives us Get Places: Driving Companion, a simple direction app that gets you from point A to B as easy as possible....
HIV Awareness Project by Edward Yong
Research shows that most people cannot stay positive when they are in HIV positive. So, today's feature is a design for HIV campaign that will help in educating the society about HIV. Let us take a look at Edward Yong's artwork in this article. Read on and enjoy!...
Dashboard UI Design by Alexey Igorevich
To achieve a great user experience, designers take on the challenge of creating an equally great user interface (UI). Complimented by functionality, user interface design speaks a great deal about a product. Today, we will be featuring a design by Alexey, a skilled web designer and developer from Uk...
Live Contacts App by Artem Osetrov
There are already thousands of apps being released up to this date but let us consider this one app that has its goal to combining contacts from your phone to your own social networks. This app is called Live Contacts App, created by Artem Osetrov, a UI/UX designer from Russia. In this article, you ...
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