Crispy Rings, packaging for kids
Crispy Rings Cereals is a cereal pack designed for children between 3-5 years old. At this stage, they recognize and assimilate colors, animals, create stories and imagine adverse situations. Packaging has a major impact on preferences and effects on children's food. In this way, the concept is related to the animals that are usually in a farm, and the first ones that they begin to learn at school.
Functionally, the package contains a mechanism (oppening and closing)) to take the cereals from the interior, which together with the visual graphics create playful elements in the user experience.
The main idea was into packaging for kids, so i started to make an user's research for kids between 3-5 years old. So in this phase of their life, they are into to learn the basic colors, animals, names, cities, but always in a playful way. And how the cereals are one of their main food everyday at morning it was a good element to start to design. The materials used were powered by Stora Enso, a provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wood and paper on global markets. Tambrite 285gr/m3 was the material used for this project and the ideal for cereals package.
The graffic design was created by Adobe Illustrator C6, were i made the illustrations taking the main references for the animal's farm. The packaging design, was started from the basic box shape, and then was taking variations to get the shape was though (elements though: 1. Represent the animal creating the body, face and expression. 2. User's interaction to get the cereals from the mouth.) Also, thinking in production was created a block bottom packaging to close it automatically.
This project is actually contesting in an international packaging's contest "recreate packaging". The people has seen that project has liked the user's interactive and playful way that the package offer.
I always learn new things in all the project i do, and this one wasn't the exception. We are designing for a niche design, for an specific user. The taste is visual, and the kids' preferences came always for what they see and how they assimilate the design.