Design for Social Impact

In this project, the objective was to design
a campaign for a Social Issue. This includes
creating awareness and a communication
output designed for social impact.
Physical/Mental health
-healthy life
-concentration and focus
-energy & enthusiasm
-happinessConnecting with Nature
-promoting learning
-attention restorative
-making friends
-mixing up with new people
-new perspectives
-human connection
Outdoor Play
- interactions
-team spirit
-exposure to real world
-avoiding obesity
Promoting Outdoors
in Urban kids.
(Age group: 6 - 12 years)
REDEFINING Play, Learning and Exploring are the main
purpose of this campaign. These 3 things help in the
heathy physical and mental growth in kids. Due to
the Screen Addiction, the meaning of these things
have for changed kids. They connect Playing, Learning and
Exploring to Screens and Technology.
It is necessary to REDEFINE their meanings to kids and
encourage them to get connected to the outdoors.
Reebok Junior is a brand that offers athletic wear
for kids for that age group 6-14 years including
apparels, footwear, sacks and things that kids
can use outdoors.
Use of playful and energetic colours and typeface to relate with kids as well as catch the parents' attention.
Meaning: define again or differently.‘REDEFINE’ by REEBOK Junior
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
I began this project by research. Then I started doodling few ideas and came up with a concept to portray my topic for the project. All the artworks are done using Adobe Illustrator and the mockups are don't using Adobe Photoshop.
I received a very positive response from my classmates.
I was also appreciated in my jury for the concept of this topic. They loved the idea of the Book of Memories specially. They also said this would be impactful as I also talked to a child psychology counselor before going forward with this project.
POSTERS: Creating awareness in parents regarding the issue
through posters which will be put up in Pediatrics and in School
during parent-teacher meetings.
Screen Addiction is reaching to kids infront of the parents and they
are not realising it because of their busy lives, hence it is necessary
to reach to the parents first.
BADGES: Badges will be given to kids by the school as an appreciation
for paticipation in extra curriculars. This will motivate the kids for
participation in various outdoor activities and events in school.
Kids will take pride in collecting more these badges and would be
encouraged to go outdoors.
BOOK of MEMORIES: Here, the child will be given a book for
conservation of his memories. Memories is something that
the technology cannot give the kids, therefore the child will
write down his/her memories as a creative writing assignment.
He can also paste pictures, using this as his/her scarpbook that
the school will grade on the activities he/her has done.
Children do have subjects like Creative Writing,
Physical Training and Extra Cirriculars. This book will
help evaluate these skills. This creative book will
encourage the child to make good memories in his/her
childhood which the technology can’t give.