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Eyebox App by Phạm Anh Tú

Eyebox App by Phạm Anh Tú

Design Ideas
July 16, 2015
1 Comment

Do you think you see colors right? EYEBOX by Phạm Anh Tú and his team created this app to measure how well you see colors and hues. Eyebox aims to evaluate how you see colors and may actually help people know if they're color blind. Color blindness, or color vision deficiency, is the decreased ability or inability to see color, or perceive color differences, under normal lighting conditions. Color blindness affects a significant percentage of the population.There is no actual blindness but there is a deficiency of color vision.

EYEBOX is a simple looking but insanely challenging color quiz that tests your eyes ability to differentiate shades of color, this app also designed to evaluate the quality of your color vision. Me and my team wanted to make a fun game about color and also help everyone tests their eyes.
-Phạm Anh Tú


My advice to everyone who love design is just always work with all your heart and never afraid of failures then successful will come!
-Phạm Anh Tú

About Phạm Anh Tú

Pham Anh Tu, is a young graphic designer living in Hanoi, Vietnam. He has three years experience in design games graphic, UI/UX and mobile applications. As a designer, he has a passion for designing beautiful, useful things and always want to bring awesome products to users. See more of his work at Behance or Website.

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