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Fubio App by Gökhun Güneyhan

Fubio App by Gökhun Güneyhan

Design Ideas
July 2, 2015
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Are you a big football fan? Then you might enjoy this Fubio by Gökhun Güneyhan. Fubio is a multiplayer trivia for football addicts, launched in January 2014 by Tart Games. The game is not being developed anymore and this is just a redesign with the current design trends.

Fubio was a startup idea we developed in a company I used to work at. We thought trivia are fun and here in Turkey people talk football everyday - all the time, so it was a good idea to start with football. In time, we started to use it as an internal education tool for corporate companies.
-Gökhun Güneyhan


Actually the original design of Fubio is different because I made it in 2013. When I wanted to put it on my portfolio, I decided to make a few changes, according to the current trends. The challenge was that football fans are quite obsessive with team colors and I had to stay away from specific color combinations - so I used green (pitch), red and yellow (referee cards) as my main colors to stay at the same distance to all teams.
-Gökhun Güneyhan


Honestly - trivia was the idea of the team and I came up with football and multiplayer part. I always knew if an app gives you a chance to challenge someone else - it's fun to use. It was our first month of developing when Quiz-up was launched and hit the most popular items in the app store.
-Gökhun Güneyhan


I know everybody says that, and they say it for a reason: Keep your portfolio updated :) I finished Fubio in 2013 and waited for 2 years to put it on my portfolio - in two weeks I received 3 freelance projects. You're what you have on your portfolio, so you can't expect a better project if you don't show what you can achieve.
-Gökhun Güneyhan

About Gökhun Güneyhan

Gökhun Güneyhan has been freelancing for a year now, mostly working with startups and agencies for mobile apps. Currently based in Istanbul, but moving to London in a few months.
See more of his work at Behance or his website.

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