German Finest Consulting

Visual identity developed for a Berlin-based consulting company targeting luxury manufactories offering support in the fields of innovation, market development and subsidies.
This commission asked to develop a visual concept for the companies complete digital appearance. This included a design of the logo and the companies colour concept.
The visual concept for GFC's digital appearance aims to create a strong contemporary and modern feel. Focusing on the visual richness of the products GFC clients manufacture since decades these seemingly floating products allowed to introduce an element of lightness and play – making a heavy cast of Goethes head fly of the frame.
We were able to to photograph the objects in house ourself and had full control over the final outcome. All images were than edited and created with Adobe Photoshop.
I worked with a programmer custom programming my layouts for desktop and adopting it to mobile formats.
Our client loved the outcome. I personally enjoyed the freedom to art direct and work so hands on with such beautiful objects/products – which is not always the case!
Being a part of a team were everyone plays his/her role is just always a rewarding experience.