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Albina Rahman
April 11, 2018

Glitch effects have been popular for quite some time. And they come in many different variations, some of which I am yet to explore. This is a collection of a few glitch effects that can be produced on any given photograph.

This whole idea of exploring glitch effects stemmed from artist/film theorist Michael Betancourt as well as my own fascination in creating such works of art. Glitches have been a common thing for us to see in film throughout history, but not as much as in still photography. The best way to explore this is to intentionally create it yourself, which is what I sought out to do.

The only software used to create these images is Adobe Photoshop. Each image uses a different method from channel glitches to smart object glitches and everything in between. I won't go into detail of each method. But I what I can tell you is that each image uses the method that is stated in its title. Like for instance, in the channel glitch image I played around with the various color channels (RGB) that are within each image.

The few that have seen these images have responded very well to them, and I hope feature viewers will continue to do the same. One thing I learned from this project is that no two images produce the same results.

Albina Rahman

An New York City based graphic designer & illustrator specializing in creative multidisciplinary solutions for both print and screen. With interests mainly in branding, infographics, and poster design.

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