Got Balls?

1 out of 6 men is vulnerable to a fatal disease without getting adequate healthcare. November is the month for men's health awareness. This artwork is a contribution to the #Movember campaign to encourage men to make early medical checkups.
I thought about visualizing and expressing the shape of the testicles in an indirect way, without the content being improper, with a minimal design style, writing a short double meaning copy with bold fonts, using a single matching color pallet comfortable to an eye.
I only used photoshop and a single stock image. I executed a visual and expressed the shape of the testicles in an indirect way, without the content being improper, with a minimal design style, writing a short double meaning copy with bold fonts, using a single matching color pallet comfortable to an eye.
the project was appreciated on social media and we received a good feedback and an acceptable number of engagement on the post was accepted. I learned that receiving such kind of art and the sensitive subject is variable and differs from an individual to another.