Graphics for ING Creatives Festival
This year I had much fun collaborating with the ING Creatives Festival celebrated this April in Dubai. Since January I got to make 10 graphics for the event, having complete creative liberty on each one of them. For me it was an honor working with the brands and even more so when I got to meet all the amazing people at the Festival.
Choosing what to illustrate for every brand and delivering one graphic per week wasn't a walk in the park, even more so when I had deadlines from my other clients to keep. But since I was sketching and illustrating constantly, the ideas started coming in faster each time.
"The idea" for me is the most important thing, and most of the times I spend more time brainstorming, than doing the actual illustrations. In this project, since I had constant deadlines to meet, I cut down the brainstorming time and went a lot with instinct, emotion, and what would be fun for me to make. I didn't overthink what I was going to do, and just did what felt right.
The process of every piece in this project is the one I use most: I become a brief stalker of the brand that I'm working for, and after a long time of brainstorming and some serious compulsive graphic references browsing I start creating sketches. When I get inspired by one, I refine it until it is ready for scanning. One of the easiest parts for me, and the most technical (tedious) one is when I'm vectorising the illustration. The last thing I do is apply color and details. This part can be really fast as well as a long process, depending on the occasion.
The response of these illustrations has been really awesome. The festival used 2 of the illustrations as a front and back cover of the booklet and many people got to see them. Personally I learned that I should let myself be guided by instinct and fun more often and stop overthinking what I create.
This project has been a very good skill sharpener and after working with such big brands and seeing so many positive feedback has made me more confident in what I do and has brought me inspiration to keep challenging myself.