Greeting cards
This is a personal project that I created over the years and continue to this day. These are some of the cards I have made during this time. Each card is personal and based on or has something peculiar that reminds the receiving person, for example the love for music, cats or something like a specific style, the hair color etc.
I thinks it's nice that the greeting card it's part itself of the gift, because a person has spent time and thought to achieve something unique.
In this works I chose a simple design and flat colors to make the personalized details more visible and immediate.
For some of the cards I also created the envelopes, in those cases I tried to create a harmonious contrast between internal and external by picking complemental or oppose warm/cool colors.
Most of the time I prefer start with a pencil sketch, i find more simpler and fast to create the bases in this way and then continue with pc using photoshop and/or Illustrator.
For this work I used a pencil base for the human characters and than illustrator to create the objects, the characters outlines and color.
The envelopes have been created and designed using only illustrator.
The people who received it were very happy and flattered by the gesture when they realize that the greeting card was based on them and things they love. In some case, the card was an appendix of the real gift.