Inktober 2018

Do you know about the Inktober? This is the same but with the topic "creepy", and here you can see a selection of the best pictures from past year's "creeptober". "Creeptober" was originally created by the twitter user @OmegaBlack1631, who made it as an alternative list of daily topics for the Inktober.
The Inktober/creeptober initiative provided me with one topic per day, so I just adapted it through my tastes and imagination. I made them with a fantasy and sci-fi style on mind, and usually choosed a triad color palette. As you can see I really love to use saturated and vibrant hues in order to transmit certain atmospheres. Hope you like it! ?
Although Inktober was originally thought for traditional, ink drawings, you can actually find all sort of thecniques and styles. In my case I wanted to prove myself by making a full color picture per day, so I opted for using Photoshop. Each drawing is made relatively fast (2-4 hours), with no actual polish or clean-up, and that's why you can notice all the strokes, making them look that sketchy. I also always worked on two layers; one for the initial sketch (which was erased) and the other for the color. I addition, sometimes I used a gradient map to make everything look more homogeneous, and a color dodge brush to make some intense highlights.
I posted one drawing per day during october 2018 on Ig and Twitter, and despite I have not lots of followers, they really liked them! That was super motivating to go on, and I really learned a couple things about dedication and workflow.
This illustration are amazing. Are this done on photoshop?