iPhone Lamp by Ivan Zhurba
Iphone lamp designed to be an eco lamp that can use your flashlight on iPhone, for reading the books or listen to the music while phone is charging. Also, lamp designed with sound amplifier that makes your music sounds louder. Simly, this is the best way to use your old iPhone.
Now im working on version for an iPhone 6 & 6 Plus that also can be 3d printed. While I was working on this project I used my favorite tools, first of all hand drawn sketches and then I have used 3ds Max to model it, and corona renderer for rendering. The first real prototype was printed on 3d printer Ultimaker, you need to see real product, feel it make it as better as possible, then you can run it into market place.
-Ivan Zhurba

"It's an elegant, simple arm that holds your iPhone. While in its nook, the phone can used as a lamp by turning on the flashlight feature, and since the bottom of theiPhone remains exposed, it can remain plugged into a charging cable and can even pump out some Spotify or iTunes music over Wi-Fi. Lamp can fit for now the iPhone 4/4s and 5/5c, and a version for the new iPhone 6 is already on the works."
-Ivan Zhurba
About Ivan Zhurba
Ivan Zhurba is Industrial designer from Ukraine, Kiev. Master degree in architecture really helps for inventing and drawing new designs from architects view. 3 years as Architect, CG Generalist in Ukrainian interior design studio was a long road to completely get into the industrial design. Background in CG gives an achievement to produce photo realistic renders of future product which is really important for customers to show their product before start a mass production. Now moved to United States to work on 3D Printer design and personal Industrial design consultation. You can check out more of his designs in his Behance profile.