Jota Lamarque by Alice Macarova
This project is called Jota Lamarque because it is the name of Alice Macarova's client which belongs to this branding. Let us take a look at how she designed Jota Lamarque's brand. Read on and enjoy!
One talented Spanish photographer found my page on Behance and suggested to me create a branding. First of all, my client's ideas and his beautiful works inspired me. Also he wanted to see birds and flowers in the future design, so I watched a lot of photos before start.
- Alice Macarova
All illustrations was drawn by ink on paper. I made a lot of versions, create patterns with it. After we found the right solution, I converted my pictures to digital format using wacom. In digital version you can make plenty of color variations, you can correct all necessary detail. When colored logo and patterns were finished, I created business cards, blanks and package.
- Alice Macarova
I used paper, ink, wacom intuos, adobe photoshop and apple iMac. I got ideas watching beautiful photos of nature. I didn't have any challenges, everything was fine. I really enjoyed doing this project. I made three revisions before we found the right solution.
- Alice Macarova
About Alice Macarova
Alice Macarova was born in Far East of Russia, now based in Saint-Petersburg. She graduated in Technology and Design at Saint-Petersburg State University last year. She is currently working in a big product company that creates packaging and illustration. Also, she has a lot of freelance projects and cooperated with Pantone, Art.Lebedev studio, Burton, Greenfield tea Ltd and so on. You can find more of her works on her Behance profile.