Less One
Less One is the concept of digital camera inspired by design and principles of master Dieter Rams. The idea was to design a device for everyone, that would be inexpensive in production (plastic body), yet very functional. And it should look nice. Seems legit?
This is not a story about searching through the internet and finding out that there is no such photo camera in the world, that corresponds to my aesthetic expectations. Yes, there are some! I am illustrator and graphic designer living for making mobile applications, websites and brandings. I wanted to break away a little from the '2D' daily routine and try something new. I have very little in common with 3D design, so the project was created in Adobe Illustrator. Yes, you heard me correctly.
As I said it is made in Adobe Illustrator from the beginning to the end. After that I tried to model it in 3D, but on my renders it does not look too spectacular ;) Oh, well. There is a long road ahead of me.
I think it played pretty well. There is a nucleus of the 'WOW' effect. I know that my design is not fuctionally perfect, but it was not all about it. I did it over one weekend – from the project in my head, to the drawings in the graphics software. It is a sufficient excuse. And now I am waiting for the commercial commisions for Industrial Design ;)