LiveYourself by Martin de Surlemont
Martin de Surlemont "LiveYourself" is actually his final thesis of his bachelor. He decided to go for a streaming platform because from time to time he enjoys watching streams, whether it is sport, art, videogames, and so on. So, basically it is a broadcasting platform for everyone that would like to share his work or his passion with the world thanks to the livestreaming, which was an early 2015 trend. The platform would give the possibility for users to buy some hardware in order to build a sort of mini-studio at their place and ease the process of establishing a stream.
It has been built from scratch, and if you saw the design, I also developed a desktop prototype, aswell as a mobile prototype (by prototype I mean it was just the "envelope" but nothing really functional, y'know what I mean). The project as a whole was a very exhausting work, since there were also a huge textual part and lots of analysis (like where do the project stand with all the competition on the market, creation of a business plan...) As I said, I pretty much had to do alone what generally requires a team.
-Martin de Surlemont
Concerning the design, I do like minimalism. At the time I also was 100% into flat design, and you see the result : A very detail-free design. I wanted it to be pleasing to the eye, but also very simple to use, since I wanted my target audience to be as wide as possible. So it's not a complex design, but you know what they say : keep it simple ! It was also thought being responsive, which partly explains the clean & sleek side.
-Martin de Surlemont
I do not like to compare but now, a few months later I submitted this project, I already find a lot of things I would have done differently by now. I was pretty happy about it when I finally ended, but I realize now there's a lot of room for improvement, and to be honest, that's what I like in the field. You never stop getting better and produce more and more products with higher standards. To catch up with what I said earlier, finding a job is not easy at all, and I will just keep practicing until I can prove I'm worthy of a job!
-Martin de Surlemont
I can't really put a word on my style... I like simple and strong designs. I don't like details to tell a project is complex and thus good, I want simplicity to tell a story. That's what a good design is all about, i think. On another note, I also think I'm still looking for my own style. I'm currently trying to design UIs, insisting on completely different aspects for each one of them, I don't want a potential style to limit myself.
-Martin de Surlemont
I don't really have inspiration people (at least in the design field)... Everyday life is an inspiration, whether you are on your computer of having a good time with friends. I'm a creative person with sometimes crazy ideas which come of nowhere. I'm currently doing the DailyUI challenge, which is a challenge to design a UI everyday (following a simple prompt), the idea is to tweet your design, and eventually getting likes and feedback from others to improve yourself to eventually become a better designer. Every participant to the challenge is an inspiration, even though there are beginners doing the challenge, there are good ideas everywhere ! A guy of which I've been digging the work is Gleb Kuznetsov for example. But that is clearly another level and I can only dream to become as talented as this guy is.
-Martin de Surlemont
I don't feel like I'm good enough yet to give advice, I'm the guy who needs them ! On a more serious note, I guess it is really important to know whether or not it is something you like and you're ready to spend hours and hours everyday on bettering yourself. Once you know it is something you do because it is your thing, a passion ; you should eventually be able to deliver quality projects/products, sooner or later. Get off the beaten tracks, let your imagination guide you and be proud of what you do, don't let people get you down. It sounds redundant, i'm sorry, but it is, i think, a valid advice.
-Martin de Surlemont
About Martin de Surlemont
Martin de Surlemont is a 24-year-old guy, living in Brussels, Belgium. Currently looking for a webdesign/front-end development job, since he graduated last year from a "multimedia writing" bachelor (these studies involved everything media and NICT related). He's mostly an autodidact, and always look to better himself by training on a daily basis. Even though he's looking for a webdesigner job, he's still interested in every creative field. (For example he's currently working on improving his knowledge of Adobe's After Effects). Martin chose this field for two reasons : First, he's a creative guy, he even began not-necessarily-comic strips drawing studies, which he stopped because he didn't feel at his right place (People are really, really weird in artistic studies). His point is, he always like to have a pen in the hand and sketch whatever comes to his mind. Second thing is he have always been an internet guy, kind of a geek, almost digital-native, and all his life is about the web and computers. Web design is thus on the fence between all that and seemed to be the natural way to take. See more of his works on Behance or his website.
Neat UI!