Logo Pastelaria - Duplo beiçola

Logo created for pastry / restaurant in salvador/Brazil - with specialties in sweet and savory flavors
Tables and chairs - brown
Details - yellow
A lot of tastes
the customer has a restaurant by the beach and is open at night on weekends
the brown and yellow remind me of food, I decided on such colors. I like to combine warm colors with cool colors and a little gradient to give a shine
I used some references from similar restaurants, I looked for brown and yellow because I thought it matched snacks and a woody tone of the place, tables and chairs
I tried to use as many details as possible close to a rustic or woody forest environment, which reminds me of pastel too
Adobe Illustrator.
I started looking for an appropriate font / letter that would draw attention I selected the main colors and then gave the final touch with the chef's doll. I thought about being an attractive brand that would draw attention to whoever was close, the chef's doll was the last one I thought of as a complement to the food segment
people liked it, they said it was very professional and can be used easily. I learned a lot about color harmony and how to combine primary and secondary sources
friends who saw the final project were very satisfied with the result and aroused interest in the brand. to use in your future endeavors. I learned that the simplest and most harmonious brands are more successful
Seek as much information about the project to be created, use the right colors and you will be successful