Logofolio VOL.01

Logofolio VOL. 01 by Esteban Arboleda, is a summary of 7 brands developed between 2015 and 2019. You can also see a brief sample of brand identities, from a furniture design study to a dental clinic, with a sample of the activity commercial that develops each brand.
The creative process for each project is always different from the previous one; on the other hand, the way I face each challenge is always the same. To achieve each goal, I carry out an investigation of the brand and its competition, including the type of market they are in.
Once the investigation is completed, it will be easier to continue the drawing process and the digitization stage, in this last part my best allies are Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Color and typography are a fundamental part and are closely related to the results of the first stage.
Each project that I have developed has brought with it a process of evolution in my creativity and gives me an unique perspective on design; at the same time, the response of people regarding my work has been positive and their appreciations help me to continue learning and loving design.
If you are interested in seeing more about my work, I invite you to visit: https://www.behance.net/tebarbol