Miramar Room Styles by Alvaro Cappa
Alvaro Cappa's Miramar Room Styles will take you on a cultural ride! The new hotel in Málaga - a port city on southern Spain’s Costa del Sol, known for its high-rise hotels and resorts jutting up from yellow-sand beaches. It embodies various cultures that will satisfy your eyes and enrich your mind.
This project is about the design of rooms with bathrooms for a new hotel in Málaga, based on different cultural styles (Alhambra, Art Deco, Mediterranean and Miramar). The client had very clear ideas so it was very easy to achieve the final design. The idea was design four different styles to get some different rooms in the hotel.
-Alvaro Cappa
There were four different styles based on different cultures like Arabic, Mediterranean or artistic movement like Art Decó, so to get this atmosphere and the desired look I searched references about rooms o houses in this areas. I tried to show these styles in all elements of scene, lamps, chairs, tables to get much more realism in the scene. Also materials are inspired by these styles, woods, tiles, marbles can be recognized clearly in each image.
-Alvaro Cappa
I always try to show something else in each image or design. A characteristic atmosphere that you can feel only watching the image. Maybe to be an architect can help to get this idea or aspiration. I don't have a defined style, but due to my last works based on interior designs, I try to show spaces so real as possible but with an atmosphere that you can feel like you were there. Another area I love is matte painting or composition, but I have to practice a lot to get a good level. I could write a whole page, but definitely I can say some of them, Bertrand Benoit, Peter Gutrhie, Juraj Talcik, Sergio Mereces and as studios MIR, Pixelflakes, BrickVisual, Arqui9, Beauty and The Bit.
-Alvaro Cappa
I'm still also an aspiring artist, but, if I could say something, it would be, practice, practice, work hard, don't stop to learn, and see work about other artists.
-Alvaro Cappa
About Alvaro Cappa
Alvaro Cappa is an architect and a 3D designer. He was born in Malaga, Spain, and finished an Architecture Degree at Malaga University. While he finished his last course at the University, he started to know more about the 3d world. After he graduated, he learned all he by know watching videos on youtube and practicing more and more in a year. He's been doing works for his mates and became a freelancer. See more of his works on Behance or his website.