Nature is Wise

This is a series of five illustrations about Nature made to become decorative magnets. It portraits the beauty of nature, from the animals to the fruits and elements that the Earth provides to us. This illustrations aren't just a cute decorative items, but they were made to remind us how nature is wise!
I got inspired after I watched the movie Mother! I found the ambientalist message of this movie very intense, and it made me think a lot about how nature is wise, organized and alive. But unfortunately we always forget about our planet, always taking things away from it and making a mess of everything.
I wanted to create something, but not necessarily a "fan art", or an illustration that reflected the movie's violent aesthetics. So I decided then to make 5 little illustrations showing the beauty of nature, with own my style, with vibrant and fresh colors.
After I finished drawing it, I printed the illustations on photografic paper so I could stick it on magnetic paper and use it as decorative magnets!
I made the illustrations on Adobe Photoshop and I used some photos as references, such as for the toucans and fruits. I like to use a layer for each part of the drawing, separating the lines from the colors and gradient effetcs. After making 3 pieces I thought I would be a good ideia to write a phrase of effect, so that's when "Nature is Wise" came into my mind. And for the final piece, I made a lettering with the word "nature" in different languages.
Althought I think this might be a simple project, I believe I learned a lot because I stepped a bit out of my comfort zone. I was not used to draw animals and scenarios, so I had to use my imagination to fill the spaces with interesting information, even if not much realistic... The leaves and fishes you see in the background of the drawings are a good example, they are not realistic but I think they are in harmony with the more detailed parts of the drawing.
This is really beautiful, I really like it!