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Net by Pedro Dimitrow

Net by Pedro Dimitrow

Marianne Piano
November 3, 2015

This art set is a campaign created for a large-scale TelCo company in Brazil. Our featured artist aims to show the great connection between technology and people, through the use of internet and telecommunication. In here you will see movie characters come into life. Let's check out these amazing digital art!

This project was for a huge company of internet and mobile communications in Brasil.

- Pedro Dimitrow



It took me about two weeks to finish the campaign. The idea come by a huge advertising Agency call. I work with a 503 CW Hasselblad with a digital back phase one iQ80.

- Pedro Dimitrow


There were two different projects one for the portraits more simple and the another for the 3D integration on location shooting.

- Pedro Dimitrow




Don’t be afraid to make something that turns you into your biggest enemy.
- Pedro Dimitrow


Pedro Dimitrow pass a long time doing assistance for some of the great advertising and editorial photographers in Brazil. At that time when he first started, they worked with film cameras when digital photography was a distant future. That allowed Pedro to feel comfortable to walk through on several styles of photography. His inspirations are great photographers from the past like Peen and Alvedon and movies. See more of his amazing artworks in Behance and his website.

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