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November Visualization by Vladislav Voskresenski

November Visualization by Vladislav Voskresenski

Design Ideas
October 26, 2015

Digital artist/architect Vladislav Voskresenski made these images for a kitchen furniture store so that they could present the project of the kitchen to their client. The location of the project is in the suburb of Vladivostok, Russia. This wooden house made of laminated veneer lumber is built by DOMOCENTER company.

valencia closeup2

In the image I wanted to create a harmonious blend of modern and traditional forms of wooden architecture. Natural materials of the interior somehow connect the house with the surrounding nature and wonderful scenery seen through a wide, panoramic windows.
-Vladislav Voskresenski

valencia crope


When creating the image, I used 3dmax, Corona render and Photoshop. At first, I modeled the scene in 3d max, then rendered with corona render and made post-processing on passes in Photoshop. The stage is lighted with HDRi map and a single light source from a floor lamp on the left side of the image (off camera). But to achieve a better effect of light and shadow contrast I had to artificially darken furniture surfaces that are towards the camera. I think that is what creates expressiveness of the image. The background image has also been inserted in Photoshop.
-Vladislav Voskresenski

valencia closeup3

I can not say that I have my own style or that I try to stick to a particular style. For me to complete the set artistic task is more important than to follow trends in the artistic field. For example, I noticed that in the visualization of kitchen space it is common to use a lot of decorative items, tableware, food, and other things that should be in the kitchen.
-Vladislav Voskresenski

Initial render

normals dot products

Sometimes it is justified, but not as often. When creating visual content I look for inspiration in contemporary cinema, in photography and painting. To be more specific, I'm interested in the composition of the frame, color, lighting, and other artistic techniques. From 3D artists I love works by Juraj Veronika Matus (Juraj Talcik).
-Vladislav Voskresenski


PS screen


I could advise to pay more attention to the theory of the visual arts and not just technical skills in programs. Just explore such concepts as contrast, composition, lighting and so on.
-Vladislav Voskresenski


About Vladislav Voskresenski

Vladislav Voskresenski, born in Vladivostok, Russia, graduated from the department of architectural design. Started as an artist designer in Pacific Design Buerau. There he designed interiors of passenger vessels and recreational crafts. Later he worked for various architectural studios. Now, he's taking private orders for interior designs and design presentations and marketing materials for industrial producers, architectural studios and other clients. When creating digital artistic content he's guided by the experience of studying fine arts and architecture. He sees that today many 3D artists are unreasonably and strongly focused on the technical aspect of visualization, on choosing render engine, render settings, receptions of post processing. In Vladislav's opinion, first and foremost, the artist should aspire to the disclosure of artistic influence of his work on the viewer. This is why it is important to study painting, drawing, study the theory of Fine Arts, of color, composition and lighting. See more of his works on Behance.

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