OffTrack by Will Tarpey
OffTrack by Will Tarpey is an app that guides you off the beaten track to help you find special and hidden places from stunning views to forgotten land, the app will help you find what you are looking for. The app is based around people that share the love of the outdoors but want to find unique places that you wouldn’t find on a travel site or search engine.
The brief that was set for the project was to find an innovative application so I decided to take a simple photo stream concept and adapt it to suit a niche market. The aim of OffTrack is to get people out seeing the places for themselves instead of simply scrolling through photos and liking an image. OffTrack not only allows users to create a unique photography profile, it encourages social integration whilst allowing people to explore, create and discover new places and meet new people.
-Will Tarpey
OffTrack was based around the phrase, "Off the beaten track." The phrase means steering into unknown territory or an isolated place. This plays with the idea of finding new and unique places via the app. The colour scheme and design I chose differed from popular social apps but kept the usability and functionality that you find in many popular apps. I was inspired because I have yet to have found an app which does this and it is something me and my friends would definitely use.
If you have a concept or believe something existing can be improved, do everything you can to make it the concept work or show it can be improved. Another thing is persistence is key, if it doesn't work or look right the first time, keep going as you'll only learn through experience.
-Will Tarpey
About Will Tarpey
Will Tarpey is has just been awarded a degree in Interaction Design and specialise in UX/UI design from Harrogate currently residing in Newcastle UK. He has just been awarded a degree in Interaction Design with a specialisation in UX/UI design. Will has a passion for beautiful design, architecture, walking and socialising. See more of his work at Behance.
The combination of red and black is always pleasure to watch! I love the icon of this app, I can see the experienced person behind this design. Is this app live on app store to it is just a concept?