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Design Ideas is your source for fresh hand-picked inspirations. It has been said that the best way to improve your creativity is to analyze the work of other artists. Here at Design Ideas, our editors curate and deliver the best designs to you daily. If you see something you like, please leave a comment for the artist (even if it's short). Your comments are greatly appreciated by the artists.

Kiddo Music School for Kids by Studio Cortopassi

Meet Kiddo! A children's music school designed by us. The goal was to be interactive, stimulating and leave as much free space as possible for children to play around the room and interact with the equipment....

The Gates, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Central Park, NYC, USA

Of all the projects that Christo and Jeanne-Claude have realized together, The Gates is probably the most exciting project for photographers. With 7,500 gates, the Central Park in New York City became a massive temporary work of art in February 2005. For me as a photographer, this was a great challe...

Interior of a room - Conceptual project - Unbuilt

"Interior of a room" is a conceptual project that I produced to enhance my skills and techniques in visualization of a room. It is composed of a simple rectangular area that contains all the necessities and furniture for a room and its lighting systems. The challenging part of the task was to genera...

Interior of a room - Conceptual project - Unbuilt

"Interior of a room" is a conceptual project that I developped as I was studying Rhino with V-ray plug in. It is composed of a rectangular room that has all the required furniture (cabinet/library,tv,cloth attachements...) and lighting systems. The room should transmit a warmth and sensible feeling ...


a personal project i did on the side of my freelancing works....


This painting was painted under the theme of 'Universe' to participate in the Clip Studio contest in 2020. I drew the universe surrounding the planet, and another universe outside to express the endless universe....


loadSound (“satellite”) is a campaign project for NASA Orbit Pavilion, a sound installation that produces an innovative ‘soundscape’ experience representing the movement of the International Space Station and nineteen Earth Science satellites. I used coding to generate a series of patterns b...

Beyond the look

The look is inside the soul. A place don't influence our gaze. We have to look beyond. Photography and the other arts are an opportunity to change our vision: to live with awareness and more peace of mind....


WTR&M is an abbreviation of ‘Way To Read & Meditate’, and it contains the desire to achieve our lifestyle through the act of reading and meditating. In particular, it talks about reading and meditating on good religious books along with the Bible. Furthermore, we believe that the ...

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