Painted Animations
I've spent the last two months in Patagonia, Argentina. This whole project was inspired by this new experience... and the collection is still growing. The scenery of the rocky cliffs, the pink color of the flamingos, or a ringing old rusty boat on the shore can be a source of a new creation. I try to keep my eyes open and my mind fresh for new ideas.
I wanted to have a personal project that sums up my every day life. I get my inspiration from my environment and I wanted to share it with everyone. Using aquarelle technique gives a very personal touch to each illustration, and giving motion to it puts it in a different perspective. The looping images are creating a special feeling of a "frozen moment". It's like a little window to the past.
I used aquarelle technique, pencil and drawing pan as the first step. Usually I start with sketching till i finalize the image I want to create. Later on when I'm satisfied with the result I digitalize the image and my work continues in photoshop. I divide the image into layers according to how I want to animate the different elements and the fun begins with keyframes and timelines.
My aim was to show my life through these images. I think I gave a better idea of what's happening around me and in my head instead of just sharing only photos or writing long texts about myself. I've only got positive reactions so far and I hope this passion will take me further on this path as an illustrator.
Would love to learn to do this kind of work!!
First time I've seen this sort of work. Great job!