Pay with a Pee by Francesca Nepote
Francesca Nepote's personal project "Pay with a Pee" combines fun and games. “Pay with a Pee” by Carlsberg is a project thought to solve the problem of inattentive “toilet dirters” based on a very simple logic: the more you pee in the right spot, the more you are awarder with some more beer and fun! The urinals of the pub will be provided with some sensors that will check if pee is directioned in the right area: hitting the indicated zone, the “player” will earn Pee Points. After 10,000 pee points (an average of 2-3 toilet stops), Carlsberg will reward the careful winner with a free beer!
The project focuses on the very typical attitude of guys of not paying a lot of attention when going to the toilet in pubs. I wanted to find a way to solve this issue without being annoying, as we all know that rebukes don't work that much. But we also know that guys never grow up, so you'll never lose if you invite them to play! That's the simple logic of the project, combining responsibility with fun and another great love of all men: beer. Convincing guys can be easier that it seems!
-Francesca Nepote
The project actually came up during a very bizarre but special brainstorming on a train. Let's say I was sitting next to a very good idea who helped me find another one. (: - I know this sounds cryptic, I'm just a little reserved about some personal things I like keeping intimate (:
-Francesca Nepote
I'm a junior art director and, before that, I'm a 22 year old woman: being such, I'm always exploring and looking around me, to catch what happens in the world and learn from that. I was inspired by those activation advertising activities that make you become a part of something for a little moment you'll remember and tell your friends and family at the end of the day. Advertising is no more an imposed communication: a real ad today is the one that you don't expect and that comes out in an everyday life moment, that becomes part of your day. Just like a friend who brings you dancing under the rain for no reason: you were not awaiting for that, but no doubt you'll remember that for a long time. I think advertising doesn't have to be a memory of something you've seen, though the experience of something you have lived on your skin.
-Francesca Nepote
My style is based on two cornerstones I take as main principles of my life, too: spontaneity and balance. I think you always have to tell what pops out in your mind in the most authentic way, without building boundaries of awkwardness. At the same time it's really important not to break the harmony of things. This principle is valid in graphic design as well: sometimes the essential is just the perfect dose for perfection.
-Francesca Nepote
It's hard to give advice as I usually am the one getting them, due to my little experience! Well, let's think...actually my first advice is accepting other's people advice! I'm not talking about following them, but about listening: as someone said in the past, we have one mouth and two ears. That must mean something! The funniest thing about life is that it always can bring something unknown and unexpected, so my advice is simple: never stop looking what's around you and never stop learning from that. The best thieves steal with the eyes. (:
-Francesca Nepote
About Francesca Nepote
Francesca Nepote was born in Turin in 1993, during the bizarre decade in which Nirvana gave way to the Spice Girls and wearing moccasins with white socks was nothing unusual. Then comes the time she start developing thousand different passions: “when I grow up”. She wanted to be a cook, then she's dreaming about conquering the Wembley Stadium with a piano and a microphone and, just after the first measure of the sheet, seeing herself holding up a Pulitzer Prize, convinced about her journalistic career. She ended up winning a scholarship at IED (Europead Institute of Design) of Turin in the course of Advertising and, three years later, working in Leo Burnett Turin: currently, Francesca is an art director and apprentice calligrapher and “when I grow up” she wants to keep being one. Though she didn’t turn into a cook, her cookies are unbeatable. :) See more of her works on Behance or her website.