Personal Branding by Alessia Tatulli
When Alessia Tatulli started working on this projects, she realized how hard it was to find a personal identity, so she thought about why she like her job. She thought about how it allows her to express herself through shapes, colors and styles, and she also enjoys trying to tell her personal story, experiences and a little piece of her life.
I try to keep the elements simple and ordered, without leaving out originality and a liveliness typical of my personality. Often I tend to use bright and saturated colors, while illustration and drawing helps me giving a personal and unique touch.
- Alessia Tatulli
-While trying to create my personal branding, I got carried away by feelings. In a second, I found myself in a sparkling and pink fantastic world. It was like flying!
A mood board has helped me to get the style I wanted. After, I focused on lettering and I started to draw!- Alessia Tatulli
I got inspired by typography and calligraphy. I drew my name with different typographic techniques, then I finally chose the most effective solution and I digitally painted a colorful background. Once on Adobe Illustrator, I traced my hand sketch to make it my personal logo.
- Alessia Tatulli
When I uploaded the project on Behance, I was surprised the positive response of its users. Also my friends and my family loved this work, and thanks to their support, I decided to share it on Behance. Up to this day, I received potential clients interested in this style of brand. This isn't the first time I try to create a personal brand. When I was a student, I considered only the opinions of my teachers, obscuring my idea of design to represent myself. In this project, however, I tried to express my personality, my sense of aesthetics and mostly my passion for graphic design. So, I learned that when you create a project that you really love, people understand how much work is behind and can really appreciate it :)
- Alessia Tatulli
About Alessia Tatulli
Alessia Tatulli is a graphic designer and an illustrator based in Molfetta (Italy). She likes her job as it allows her to express herself through shapes, colors and styles. When she work on a project she always try to keep the elements simple and ordered, without leaving out originality and liveliness typical of her personality. Often she tend to use bright and saturated colors, while illustration and drawing helps her giving a personal and unique touch.
I like the branding concept. Neatly done, good presentation and impressive design.