Personal Stuff
This stuff is just some of my daily practice focusing on shape, color, body language, gesture, character design...I really like drawing, and I prefer an approach that, at the same time, allows space for being narrative. For me, the most important thing is the idea itself, and the drawing is just a vehicle.
I found inspiration drawing from life. Sketchbook and also model drawing, for me the most important thing is to capture the gesture, I have to fight against the tendency of getting lost in details.
The idea in these cases is just some pic that inspires me or someone in the street with a particular attitude etc...
Adobe Photoshop and also Corel Painter. But I really like paper and pencil.
I normally begin blocking the big and simple shapes, and then I tend to add some details, never in the other way. I also pay all attention I can to gesture. The gesture is my opinion is the tool that provides an instant readability of the image.
I think quite well but to be honest, I don´t pay so much attention about that, I do this just for myself. In the other hand, I learned a lot from personal projects I think they are necessary to combine with professional projects. Just for mental health.
Carry a Sketchbook with you!! You´ll, but much more happy, and this world is a fantastic place to practice.