“Emotion is The Most Powerful Weapon in Architecture and Architecture is the best way to reveal emotion”.
PIXA is a flexible and modular tool or structure which can be easily assembled to create a tiny, large and largest structure by replication using a single unit. The Interior space of the steel structure is defined by two abstract natural elements “light and shades”.
Today we are talking about sustainable cities, smart designs knowing that this include using all the scientific and technological progress accumulate by our entire humanity since three millennia. Let’s deeply explore Emotion which is related to Technology Sensitivity and tell why it Call us first as a Human and as an Architect.
Emotion is deeply complex because talking about urbanization and cities is talking about how people. Remember, Cities only exist because of people and human reign, when We talk about city; We talk about Human, Humanity and all its system non-limited to architecture or Urbanism because is a philosopher, a thinker.
Human is in the center of Architectural research and planned its future it is analyze it both faces: Man in its community interaction with other and a man in its individual will or desire. I can resume by a smart city is the sum of each person and its daily routine (jobs, facilities, Healthy, transportation, etc.) and feeling (emotions, hobbies, lifestyles, wish, dream, etc.).
Today modern tools and technology device helps us to collect all these data base easily for a quick analysis. Cities are growing faster and several methods which were innovative for the previous decade are obsolete today. It is impossible to deny, technology device are welcome for the shaping of our future.
With PIXA, The intervention is a light touch of design with the aim to explain in just only its composition, architectural gesture and its movement how much lifestyle has been enhance with technology involve. We want to seduce and capture the public with the Magnum Opus, with the best part of this idea and research.
That way, proposed a temporary Architectural and design structure made in combination of materials. The Light structure will held a masterpiece of technology contribution as technical as attraction: Virtual reality headset where people will also explore the world in; the past; the present and the future.
The design is an experiment of light behaviour in space. The Organic Pixa sunbrella Fabric is the result of superposition between a translucent and opaque ripped common fabric.
The modular Pixa fabric is the cover of the recycled steel structure. Not only used as a cover, the fabric is also defining a spatial disposal for each module, this is the flexibility and the plasticity of the proposed design.
The light steel structure is the boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces by creating semi-open and semi-closed spaces, while filter light and reinforced the presence of organic shadow on the ground.
The triangular module system has been choosing because of its flexibility and plasticity. By this way, the proposed configuration can show, the modularity of the model is infinite. The matrix is a simple example of the field of possibility.
At night, the coloured opaque fabric gives the structure a wonderful aspect by illumination, .LED Lighting is connected along the steel Pipes to design and highlight the occupied space.