Profile App

Profile is a true wireless companion, helping users prep, practice and present digital presentations. Profile connects to both PC and mobile devices via the Profile application. The application lets users designate sections and set vibration cues throughout a presentation. Vibration cues and other features allow users to stay on pace and concentrate on delivery. These features, combined with a comfortable grip and an intuitive gesture-controlled interface, make Profile the perfect presentation companion.
The idea for the Profile device, as well as the name, was born from the desire to utilize an aluminum profile manufacturing process to create intuitive new user experiences. The wireless presenter was one of the first product experiences we chose to redesign with this material. We felt that the well-known fear of public speaking and presentation delivery could be eased if the presenter had a trusted assistant in their hand.
Our design process began with understanding what makes presenting difficult and why people become increasingly anxious during presentations. We then brainstormed several solutions for combating this fear. From those rough solutions we distilled the most helpful and practical ideas that were manageable in a handheld device. Some ideas were applied to the digital interface, while others fit conveniently in a handheld form. We carved and 3D printed handheld forms, testing for both grip comfort and gestured interaction. The final solution, modeled in Rhino 3D and visualized with Keyshot and Photoshop, considers the optimal user interaction, as well as, manufacturing feasibility.
Profile was well received once we posted the project online. Images of Profile were quickly appearing on the web's top design blogs. We attribute the success of the project largely to our diligent design process, refining every detail with meaning and purpose.