Realistic Vector Drawing
Hello. I wish to share with you my last realistic vector drawing. I will show how I realized a vector drawing that looks like a photography. Here I show you how was born the challenge and how I realized it. The work was done for training purpose.
I was always fascinated by oil painter artists who paint artworks that looks like a photography. Once while at an art gallery, I was totally amazed because all the paints together looked like a photo gallery instead. After some years of experience in vector drawing and in raster photo retouching, I tried to simulate that artists. I toke a simple image illustrating red headphones by Beats, so decided to copy it, just by drawing on computer. The color palette is not so wide, it contains just a range of red hues combined with dark grey and black color for the shadows and the details. The materials surfaces simulated here are mostly plastic and metalized.
This was my first work done on Affinity Designer. So, started drawing the basic lines and shapes, then step by step added flat colors, later more detailed gradients, shadows and lights. Lastly, I drawn the reflections and the finest details. Overall I think looks fine, required me a total of 110 layers and about 8-10 hours of work. The only tools I have used are the basic shapes, the basic brush, segments, rubber and pixel layers.
This illustration was published also on my Behance gallery and elsewhere on the web. Overall, I've reached a satisfying number of views along with nice feed backs. This work was judged at the same level of professional 3d works, even if it is an illustration!
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