Recycled chair Kohti

The stool has an elegant silhouette and a small backrest which smoothly merges into the armpads. Delicate lines and smooth joints of the framework are made out of powder coated steel pipes. It is adapted to various interior designs due to its attractive simplicity, universality and durability. To create it we have involved all of our constructional background and attentive approach to details inherited from the products that have already been sold.
The stool expresses the art of transformation of the surrounding items due to its seat made out of recycled raw materials, inviting you to the environmentally friendly future in which the new meaningful products and materials recovery supporting the harmony with the surrounding world are appreciated. Its name (Kohti, for the Finnish word which means “towards”) metaphorically makes play with the dialogue of two opposite sides about the excess production, leading to the idea about simultaneous movement towards each other, which means trying to preserve the environment and changing together with it at the same time. Making the world stop changing is impossible. The future is still going to come, so let’s make it gorgeous!
The seat made out of recycled plastic was created by the Precious Plastic Ukraine Odessa workshop. The 20-mm-thick canvas is made out of HDPE recycled polyethylene, the raw materials for which were used white and black shampoo bottles. This material is great not only due to its re-use, but due to its functional properties as well: it is non-toxic, UV-resistant and resistant to low temperatures and impact of water, acids and alkali.
During its manufacturing the bottles are at first collected, washed, sorted and broken to pieces using special breaking machines. Then the required granules are mixed according to color and exposed to heat and compression under pressure, forming smooth plates. After the plastic solidifies, the item of the required shape is cut using the CNC machine, and voila – the seat is complete!