Seasons by Lisbel Cruz Taveras
Seasons Creative Agency is a project to create a brand that offers the services of graphic design, web development and branding. It arose from the need to represent a crew of four people in one single concept. As they were trying to come up with a nice name for their company, they agreed to name it “Seasons”, as they realized that all four of them were born in the different seasons of the year -- Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn or Fall.
I was assigned to develop the concept of the Brand as we 4 have different skills, since then I proceeded to develop many proposals considering the use of an isotype and logo to a better implementation of the brand. After several sketches and blots trying to represent the number 4 in different ways I decided to move on with a fresh idea and started sketch with the S. Looking for a better shape I exhaust the process with the S represented in a way that reflects movement, change and especially fluent, then I proceeded to select the color palette to the logo using as inspiration the work of Maria Grønlund “I speak fluid colors”. As for the logotype I searched a typography according to the isotype.
- Lisbel Cruz Taveras
The development project took me approximately three weeks, the last stage I started to add some details and highlights to the isotype. The tool I used to the entire process was Adobe Illustrator CS6.
- Lisbel Cruz Taveras
Lisbel Cruz Taveras is a Multimedia Designer and Web Developer from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. She was an Instructor who taught students in the areas of HTML and CSS, Photoshop and Illustrator. Her area of focus are in Graphic Design, Editorial Design, Web Development and Branding. She is a well-rounded artist who mixes fun and teamwork.
See more of her artworks in Behance.
thanks Kendu
Love the concept. Love the color scheme for this. It captures the color of the 4 seasons. I love it!
Nice concept, awesome design! Love it!
Thanks Phil NG :)!