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Shadow is a three wheel vehicle concept design for Lunar surface

Shadow is a three wheel vehicle concept design for Lunar surface

Ashish Thulkar
December 23, 2019
1 Comment

The shadow is a Three-wheel tricycle design for racing and easy transportation on the moon. Futuristically, if we use the moon for living, vehicles like Shadow will be an easy and faster means to travel longer distances. The design of Shadow is mainly for easy transportation on the moon and also can be used for racing.
It will be useful for scientists for study the moon surfer and travel between one station to another can carry there equipment’s and oxygen supply.

When ISRO Chandrayaan 2 was about to be launched, a thought had come to my mind. What if there will be a bike on the moon rather than a rover?

We can travel faster. Imagine an astronaut riding a motorcycle on the moon, that would be the coolest idea. In my research, I came to know that it was already tried out during the 1969 Apollo lunar mission. A motorcycle designed specifically for the mission almost reached the moon but the plan was scrapped.

The concept starts with initial brief idea. After initial rough idea I did Idealization on the bases of Product study and brief further to that it leads to from exploration and conceptualization.
Final concept is then created in 3D using Alias automotive and rendering did in kayshot and all post-production of concept is created in Photoshop.

SpaceX has outlined its plans for a city on Mars by 2050 and company’s like ISpace working on moon colonization. Suzuki is one of the big companies that has shelled out finances for its moon colonization plan. Vehicle like shadow will create impact on moon transportation.

Ashish Thulkar

Ashish is creative and passionate Industrial/concept Designer.
He did Masters in Design from Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India.
He is working as Project Manger in Design Innovation Centre of IDC IIT Bombay and also as Design Consultant in Imaginactive for Charles Bombardier.

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