Shipwrecked: A Wallpaper Collection

Hand drawn illustrations evoking a chaotic and reckless motion. Designed for an iPhone X wallpaper collection. Cropped to create a dynamic story while still displaying the time and date of the iPhone effectively. The color palettes are the main focus of this project to learn and understand Birren inspired color theories and how the color impacts the visual meaning.
For class we were instructed to create a wallpaper collection for an iPhone. With my passion for hand drawn illustrations and my childhood obsession with pirate themed anything I created a pirate inspired wallpaper collection. This project was focused on color theory. I ended up using rich and deep colors with some undertones to create a fun and dynamic design.
I used the iPad pro with the Apple pencil to hand illustrate all my designs. I used the Adobe Draw application on the iPad and transferred my designs straight to vectors with the application. With the use of the Adobe Creative Cloud transferring the designs took seconds. I then color filled the illustrations with different color theories inspired by Birren.
My family and friends were very excited after the completion of this project. They loved the dynamic and chaotic motion of the wallpaper collection and the color scheme. I learned that patience is key. Some days designers are more creative than other days. When you get stressed about the design put it up. Just allow yourself to enjoy the project and the progression, no matter how fast or slow it may take.
To get in the pirate designing mindset, I played Pirates of the Caribbean in the background to hear and see pirates in action.
Don't give up. Keep researching and finding your illustration techniques. You will continue to evolve as you grow as a designer. I always keep a notebook and pen in my bed or near me at night time. For me, as a designer, my best ideas come at nighttime.
Very cool Emma!