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Space Deer by Jonas Sundberg

Space Deer by Jonas Sundberg

Design Ideas
April 15, 2016
1 Comment

Jonas Sundberg's Space Deer is a comic that features Space Deer - almost only Space Deer. Space Deer is quiet, emphatic and lonely. The project came about because of their love for deers and just practicing.

Jonas Sundberg

I really like deers and I had just finished another comic about astronauts so it was just what I had bubbling in my soup. I didn't plan anything ahead so their design changed a little bit in every comic.
-Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg

My inspiration for this project have been mostly my own feelings and dreams, I'm very fascinated by dream-analysis so I go about this very much as if I was writing my own dreams. Every comic is very specifically about my mental state, development and hopes at the time.
-Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg

My style is simple but pretty distinctive I would say? I get embarrassed when I try to explain what I do haha. Some inspirations is Jake Lawrence, the comic Help us Great Warrior, Ryan Andrews, Akira Toriyama, Eiichiro Oda, Ethan Smith, Julian Glander, Lottie Pencheon and Matt Goop(etc).
-Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg

Space Deer Jonas Sundberg

My advice to any artist would be to keep going, try to not be afraid. Always try to pour a little bit more of yourself into it and be brave. Be patient and rest a lot if you can (if you can't it might be even more important to rest).
-Jonas Sundberg

Space Deer Jonas Sundberg

Space Deer Jonas Sundberg

See the series here.

About Jonas Sundberg

Jonas Sundberg share a house with two friends and a few ghosts in northern Sweden. They try to draw their own art (mostly comics), while they look for other projects to make a few bucks. See more of their works on Behance or their website.

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