Stationery Set by Victoria Jones
Victoria Jones' project "Stationery Set"; the range as a whole, is a set of animal characters that are featured across all types of stationery for the range that is coming soon to FCT Online. The project seen here however focuses on one character, which was created for the use of inspirational adhesive pads and planners.
What started as an experimental piece has now transpired into a collection, and it became a perfect excuse to really practice and focus on illustration and character design. I was able to really enjoy seeing where a simple design could go, and then witnessing it form into a brand in itself. These characters are given their own personality and narrative, and bring an individuality to the range, as well as your own personal preference.
Transforming the original idea into something bigger, and seeing it come to life through using select products has been a wonderful experience. The range hopes to combine unique design alongside high quality products, which lead into all types of stationery, to phone and tablet cases, lunch boxes and tins, mugs, cushions and tote bags.
-Victoria Jones
I have always been a bit obsessed with collecting sketchbooks and accessories, and so designing a stationery range has invariably always been a dream. At the time I begun on the range, I was sketching a lot and found myself drawing various animals. When placing these sketches onto a product, It was important that I created something that could be relatable and fun, to really sell a youthful quality within the items.
-Victoria Jones
It all began with the design for the weekly planner, and the involvement of a few feline characters. I loved the idea of having them express different moods depending of the day of the week, and ‘Saturday Cat’ was having fun. This lead into the phrase ‘Do It so we can party’. The rest of the range suitably followed, and has become the main illustration for our to do lists and planners. It had the balance of keeping it fun and light hearted, alongside an inspirational message.
-Victoria Jones
I’ve found that instagram is such a great way to find designers and artists. My whole feed is just a wonderful, creative mess. I love seeing sketchbooks and raw process, and how different artists use colour and layout. I really look up to Jessica Walsh, Rob Lowe (Supermundane), Tuesday Bassen, Atelier Ivorin, James Victore, Eve Warren and Stefan Sagmeister. Some of my biggest inspirations have come from collecting magazines and books, as well as freebies from exhibitions and galleries. I think looking at design is important, but I am often inspired from music, fashion, movies etc. Traveling is one of my favourites. Just being able to go out there and experience everything can really change how you see things!
-Victoria Jones
As far as my own personal style is concerned, I definitely enjoy using bright, bold colours. I also tend to be quite illustrative, and I use a lot of symmetry and layers. I don’t particularly stick to one form of design, as I love to explore different methods of editorial, typography and illustration. Through experimenting, I combine different forms and style and eventually find a balance and a direction of where I want to go.
The one thing I can advise aspiring creatives, is the importance of letting go. Being precious about your work holds you back so much, and sometimes all you need is to make a big mess of things just to learn from it. Also, stay curious and keep learning whenever you can.
-Victoria Jones
About Victoria Jones
Viki Jones is a multidisciplinary graphic designer in Leeds. She was born in North Wales, and after completing a Foundation in Art and Design she then moved to study Graphic Arts and Design at Leeds Beckett University. During her studies, she became a design intern for the Student’s Union and after graduating, became a junior designer for FCT Online. Right now she is currently working to produce a unique stationery range for their brand, Hippo Warehouse. See more of her works on Behance or her website.
This is soooo cute!