Sujets by Linus Lohoff
»Sujets« is a series of photographs by Linus Lohoff documenting the man-made structures and things that are frequently found at public beaches. Photographed in the dark, at night, under street lamps, these small buildings appear as isolated sculptures or art installations.
There wasn't a specific inspiration behind this project. This idea came to me when I did a night walk at the Barcelona beach promenade. But I have to admit, that there was a certain thrill being outside in the dark at a place which usually is super crowded.
-Linus Lohoff
In my opinion I don't have a certain style. Going through my photography portfolio you will find still-life, portraits, snapshots, digital and analogue photography, all with a different aesthetics. I am even not considering myself as a Photographer. I am more an amateur who likes to take pictures. The camera is a good or my favorite medium to visualize my ideas. Maybe I have a focus on square cutted images. This comes from the early beginnings when I used to photograph analogue with my Pentacon six TL. The squared format can communicate symmetry and centeredness really powerful.
-Linus Lohoff
There are bunch of inspirational artists out there. I can't pick only a few people but a Behance contact recommend me Luigi Ghirri, an Italian Photographer, recently. I totally fell in love with his work. He has a lot of photography showing beaches which I also love.
-Linus Lohoff
I am really bad in giving advice but here is a try: You have to do things which really comes from your »inner you.« In that you believe. This work will be always authentic and the most fulfilling. Failing is okay cause it implies that you are doing stuff. And this is super important: Never stop doing, always experiment around and you will find out what is your thing one day.
-Linus Lohoff
I used a Nikon d80, 50 mm lenses, tripod.
-Linus Lohoff
See the whole series here.
About Linus Lohoff
Linus Lohoff is a 30 something German Freelance Art Director with Brazilian roots, Linus recently moved to Barcelona, Spain. See more of his works on Behance or his website.