Design Ideas Logo
Pink interior space
We created this interior space, designed in base a pure color, which can make a composition minimalism....
Feelings​​​​​​​ My Newest 3D Artwork, Feeling the colors and places , make yourself at home. hope you like it....
Sound Studies Lab
Sound Studies Lab invites young and experienced scholars and artists to work on the sonic sensory aspects of individual lives and in heterogenuous societies, cultures and historical eras. The projects at the lab operate in mobile, experiential and field-based research environments. The basic researc...
Residential building
This project is a design of an apartment in a building that has an outdoor space with a swimming pool. The apartment is for 4 people, the social space you can find a kitchen with a condor, a living room where you can see a beautiful balcony with a wonderful view of the pool. In the private sap...
Residential Porject
The design of the house was designed for a family, where you can enjoy all the moments of life....
Quadpark / Skatepark
This project was developed for a very damaged and poor area of ​​the city. The idea was to revalue urban areas through sport. In this case skateboarding and quadsakte. Looking for the quality and improvement of the city in more disadvantaged areas. There is a hockey rink, a derby rink a...
Decorza Logo creation
Decorza was one of those project you fully enjoy creating them, it's an architecture company, specialized in finding the right arch solutions, and decorating consultation....
Conceptual Architecture
Modern architecture concept, bad preserving nature....
The Tower
3D images that convey sensations. We make the future a reality. This is the motto of ProCAD 3D. We want to innovate the concept of 3D art. 100% CGI Project...
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