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Escritorio Pongo- A Desk for Modern Needs
Lorenzo Vega and Vicente Quintana designed a desk that optimize the workflow keeping things in order. The focus of this design is to integrate digital and analog methods of work on a single desk while keeping it simple with a minimal aesthetic....
White Kitchen by Jesús Sanz Carasusan
Whether you're looking for an all-white kitchen design or just want to make some small adjustments, this designer white kitchen will surely provide you an idea on how you'll have it. Let us read on and be inspired on the designs of Jesús Sanz Carasusan, a freelance artist based in Zaragoza, Spain. ...
Live Contacts App by Artem Osetrov
There are already thousands of apps being released up to this date but let us consider this one app that has its goal to combining contacts from your phone to your own social networks. This app is called Live Contacts App, created by Artem Osetrov, a UI/UX designer from Russia. In this article, you ...